TPM tools limited is a UK based exporting company whose area of specialization is in exporting specialized hand tools of high quality towards African countries especially those that are English speaking. The specialization is in such tools as the tile cutters, wrenches as well as frame saws among others. Correspondence between the UK productions and the market, which is mainly in Africa, is through agents which are situated within the market countries and which links the management from the mother country. Moreover, the management gets information from customers on the state of the market through emails and mails whenever they visit the countries or through the agents who represent the companies within the countries. Nevertheless, it is to be noted that the information given by customers through the mails or letter are often contradicted with the information given by the agents representing the countries and this points to a major information breakdown.
Knowledge management problem
In reference to knowledge management as being the capacity of an organization to adopt and use knowledge for achieving organizational objectives, it involves capturing, sharing, developing as well as the effective use of knowledge from an organization. This communication barrier between the management and the customers at the ground level therefore presents the main knowledge management problem that TPMT faces in its operations. There needs to be effective communication between the management, the employees as well as the customers at the end of the supply chain. Customers communicate with an organization on the levels of satisfaction as well as the need to improve on particular areas of production. This therefore shows that information flow is a basic feature that every business must work on. The case study however reveals that information given by the customers is often distorted when it reaches the management through the agents hence the potential ineffectiveness in addressing customer concerns from the destination countries.
Web 2.0
Organizations however adopt various tools for communication such as through direct correspondence via telephone, personalized emails, agency correspondence as well as person-to-person communication among others. It is to be noted that information technology has increasingly shaped the modes of communication adopted within an organization and this explains the emergence of such communication mechanisms as through websites, social media as well as through teleconferencing services. Recent developments have seen the development of a specialized web which is referred to as ‘Web 2.0’ and which allows communication between many people on the same web platform. Web 2.0 technologies, which are the most modern technologies for use in such a venture as this, allow ease of communication between organizational management, employees as well as the customers. Suppliers as well as other persons involved within the supply chain management also take advantage of the ease of communication through eth web 2.0 inventions and this improves the performance of the organization. At the time when dot com era was overtaken, technological advancement in web development brought about new web applications whose main feature was online interactive pages. This simply took the name Web 2.0 and as referred to previously, the web based system allows increased interactions by people from the same web page. Therefore, it represents varying ways through which web pages are designed and adopted for use. Moreover, it incorporates other features as instant messaging, group diaries, virtual offices that are hosted, video and audio conferencing as well as address books which all aid in effective communication. Paramount to notable advantages with this technology is that people would adopt a virtual community through which communication and interactions would be through social media. Therefore, the members to such a virtual community would be in a position to communicate, exchange materials, share information as among other practices which were not enabled by previous versions of web pages. E-library, e-learning as well as interactive social media platforms adopt the new web development applications for ease of convenience and economies. Nevertheless, increased awareness has in the recent past seen the technology gain popularity among firms playing the information sector, journalism as well as within entertainment industries across the globe. It adopts internet as the main necessity, just as was previously used by other web versions but has higher appliances such as phones, tablets, laptop computers and notepads among others.  

Advantages of Web 2.0 to TPMT
It is to be noted that Web 2.0 has brought about great revolution in modern day communications and interactions across different geographical localities. Virtual communication has been in the rise with the designing and adoption of the technology with physical communication being in the verge of being overtaken and forgotten in business transactions.
a)      Communication efficiency: Ease of interactions and communication through the virtual platform aids in good management of such an organization. Customers at the destination countries where the organization exports its products to get easy means to communicate direct to the management on which ever the concern they would like addressed as well as on commendation to the organization. Such platforms as social media provide rather cheap means through which customers and the organizational management would interact and this would reduce instances of information distortion between either party in the communication. The technology through which the web 2.0 web version relies on  is therefore very effective in addressing the challenge of physical distance as well as communication through provision of virtual interactive platforms, which require little technical expertise.
b)      Marketing: The entire process involved between the production of products by the producer and the consumption by the final consumer sums up marketing process, which comprises a wide range of processes that include proper identification of consumer needs and wants, and formulating mechanisms to meet the needs, and satisfy the wants. Marketing has been seen to satisfy needs and wants by giving information to target groups as well as bringing the products to their reach. In reference to knowledge management, marketing involves effective capturing, sharing, developing as well as the effective use of knowledge from an organization to gain customers for the products. The technologies of Web 2.0 have been in the recent past adopted as effective tools for organizational management of information, which is not limited to marketing knowledge.
c)      Cost: As a profit making organization, TPMT have an obligation to adopt the most cost effective means of management of organizational information in order to maintain low profile of operational costs for profit making. Web 2.0 has been shown to be easier and effective in passing information from a person to another as it is applied within such simple appliances as the telephone. The organization would have no need to use the rather expensive mechanisms as mails and letters, which are cumbersome and take long time in response.
                                i.            Over exposure of organizational information:  It is a concern in the modern era that social media places so much information open to all people in the internet which threatens levels of secrecy and security of an individual or such an organization as TPMT. Hackers as well as such other intruders whose motives would be bad threaten the well-being of such an organization through the ease of access to the sensitive information exposed through the web.
                              ii.           Hacking:  Hackers and such intruders invade the systems of an organization through malware or specialized programs, which would rely on such information, share across the social media platforms. Therefore, the cyber crime should be an urgent matter to consider while investing in and adopting internet use in organizational management. Malicious software has been in use even with the previous version of web application and is equally a potential threat to the welfare of any individual or organization operating computerized systems. The software in use include viruses which gain access to computer systems of an organization and corrupt the stored information or copy it and replicate it which over exposes it to unintended persons. The result would be very disastrous to any organization hence the concern that web 2.0 increases the threat of hacking.
                            iii.            Installation costs: technology advancement is very expensive to any organization especially on setting up the infrastructure. As a relatively small organization, TPMT faces a challenge in raising adequate capital in resources for which to install physical infrastructure necessary for instituting web 2.0. Relatively larger organizational enjoy benefits of accumulated capital for installation of complex systems of IT such as the system of web 2.0.
Proposed knowledge management system
As has been revealed through the discussion above, TPMT limited is a relatively small organization as shown by the few employees who serve as agents within ten countries of supply as well as the periodic hiring of others to serve within the five other countries whenever need arises. This is the main reason why effective communication is a challenge between the organization management based in the United Kingdom and the customers within the African countries, which are the target markets for the tools. One outstanding feature in the overall picture of this organization is that the management of the supply chain has particular challenges, which needs to be addressed through adoption of an effective knowledge management system, which will link together the customers, agents, management and all other parties that are involved within the supply chain. The above discussion has revealed that emerging trends in organizational management of knowledge and information is through cloud computing as well as through the interactive web 2.0 services. With just a pool of six permanent employees who include the three owners in the UK, the organization is very small to operationize fully-fledged cloud computing system and such hiring such services proves to be the main proposal of this paper. These services will be prerequisite to the organization adopting the online processes of information management and sharing of knowledge through the Web 2.0 technologies. It is however necessary that this organization invests in the system, as it will enable the management directly communicate with the customers in relatively cheaper means such as through social media. Besides, marketing and advertisement of the tools in the English speaking countries would be effective through such technologies. The parts of the organization, which will be supported through the particular information technology, are such departments as data storage departments, marketing departments, as well as human resource departments. The departments would be effective in performance through adoption of IT because they involve much of data, which can be easily stored online for ease of access and safety. Nevertheless, departments responsible of manufacturing, warehousing, value adding as well as transporting the products would not require such services directly because of the nature of the products involved. However, interactions through the system adopted would ease the process of ordering by customers as well as management of activities involved in the supply chain.
The particular assumption that is made in the recommendation of adopting the hired system of cloud computing and Web 2.0 is that initial cost of installation of the infrastructure for such services is enormous for the organization to manage. Moreover, we assume that by the virtual of the target market being English speaking, communication over such platforms as the social media is easy and that little skills and knowledge are required in operating the system to all persons in the 21st century.
The TPMT organization has been shown to operate from UK but with market segment in African countries, which speak English. Due to its small size, employing many people has been a challenge and thus only a few people are employed to serve in UK and in the African countries. However, due to the limited number of personnel, communication between customers ad management is hindered which necessitates the organization to adopt effective tools for communication.


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